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Ps5 Error Code Ws 37368 7: An Easy Trick of Error Fixing!

Ps5 Error Code Ws 37368 7

Do you see the error WS-37368-7 on your PS5? Most of the time, this error means that your PSN account has been banned or suspended, but there are other things that could cause it as well. In this article, we’ll talk about what the WS-37368-7 error means and how to fix it.

What Does “PS3 WS-37368-7 Error” Mean?

If you get the WS-37368-7 error on your PlayStation, it could mean that your PSN account has been banned or, in rare cases, that there is a problem with your internet connection.

Most of the time, this error means that the account you are using has broken PlayStation’s ToS or Terms of Service.

Why Does The WS-37368-7 Error Happen?

Most of the time, a WS-37368-7 error is caused by a suspended or banned account. But there had been a few times when the error showed up by accident because of a shaky internet connection, problems with the server, or problems with the local network.

The account has been put on hold for a short time or for good.
You should not ignore the WS-37368-7 error, especially if you like to play games online. Your account broke the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, which is by far the most common reason for this error.

If you don’t mind the legalese and you think your account may have been banned or suspended because you broke the rules, click on the link above to read the Terms of Service.

Downtime or maintenance on the server.
Due to server problems, some people may get error WS-37368-7 on their PS5 or an older console. This happens very rarely, and it usually goes away on its own.

If you’re sure you didn’t break the Terms of Service, just check the PSN server status to see if there are any problems in your area right now.

Home internet not working.
Some people may also get the WS-37368-7 error on their PS5 because of a problem with their own network. Again, not many people know about this cause, and it may only happen by accident.

Due to IP conflict, some players may have trouble connecting and may get strange errors on their consoles.

Try basic network troubleshooting like restarting the router and running a speed test on your PS5 to see if there are any ongoing connection problems.

Problems with logging in.
Some PS5 users might forget that they changed their account password in the past, which could make it hard for them to log in to their PS5 over and over again. Sometimes, a random error may appear because the user’s credentials are wrong. Sign in to the PlayStation Network on another device to see if you are having trouble with your account (smartphone or computer).

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How to Fix The Error PS5 WS-37368-7?

Here are some things you can try if your PS5 keeps giving you the WS-37368-7 error.

Look for problems on the server.
It’s important to know if there are any problems with the server at the moment.

Test the speed of your PS5.
If there are no known problems, the next step is to figure out where the connection might have broken. You need to do a network connection test on your PS5 to do this.

This is how:

After the speed test is over, try to figure out where you failed. There are three places where things can go wrong: the PSN, the Internet, and the IP.

Turn the router back on.
In this case, you should also make sure to reboot the router, which is a simple but important step in troubleshooting. When network equipment has been running for a long time or has stopped responding, it may stop working properly.

Turn off the router and unplug it from the power source for 30 seconds before turning it back on. Then, make sure to wait until all the lights are steady before connecting your PS5 to the network again. After that, try to log in to PSN and see if the error is still there.

Read the Service Terms.
The PlayStation Network Terms of Service (ToS) are not easy to read, especially for average users, but you should look it over if you or someone else (like your child) may have broken them.

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The WS-37368-7 error could mean that your PSN account has been suspended or banned. Try restarting the router and running a speed test on your PS5 to see if you have a problem. How to fix the error PS5 WS-37368-7? Here are some things you can try if your PS5 keeps giving you this error. There are three places where things can go wrong: the PSN, the Internet, and the IP.

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