I Have 6 Eggs: What Am I Supposed to Do With These Remaining 4 Eggs After I Broke, Cooked, and Devoured 2 of Them?

I Have 6 Eggs

Riddles are quickly replacing other forms of isolated entertainment, such as social media, instant messaging apps, and even crossword puzzles with grandma.

Games like puzzles and riddles are not only entertaining and engaging, but they also frequently have multiple correct solutions that vary according to the player

If you’ve thought you knew your “best friend,” you might be surprised by the varied responses to the same question.

The ‘I Have 6 Eggs Riddle’ is the latest viral joke that is spreading through WhatsApp groups even faster than the ‘Tiger King’ Memes. All the answers and solutions to the riddle are detailed below.
Despite appearances, nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

I Have 6 Eggs Riddle Broke Down

A red flag right off the bat should be the apparent simplicity of the riddle’s question. There’s a riddle in here somewhere, and here it is:

I Have 6 Eggs. I Broke 2, I Cooked 2, and Ate 2. How Many Eggs Do I Have?

Pause for a moment and consider the answer before reading on. In order to avoid a rude awakening, we will not immediately reveal the solutions

Here comes the tricky part…

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The correct answer is (I HAVE SIX EGGS)

Given that most people still don’t trust the internet and that nobody seems to know the real answer, we’d say six is the most likely option.

If the grammar in the riddle is correct, you should have six eggs left.

I Have 6 Eggs

Since the riddle contains both past and present tense elements, the correct answer is 6.

  1. In this riddle, you are told that you currently possess six eggs.
  2.  You hatched, poached, and consumed a large number of eggs, and it continues. A past tense clause is being used here.
  3. Past tense verbs such as “broke,” “cooked,” and “ate” suggest that these eggs are distinct from the six you already have.

So, You Have Six Eggs, Essentially. You Used to Do Something With Other Eggs. This Means You Still Have Six Eggs                                                                                                                                                         Extra Explanation:

  1. Since the past can’t be changed, it doesn’t matter how many eggs were cracked, cooked, or eaten. It wouldn’t matter if the riddle said you cracked 100 eggs, cooked 1, and ate 1, or any other permutation; the answer would still be 6.

2. My egg count was six, if that was the riddle. I smashed two, cooked two, and devoured two. I was wondering how many eggs I have. If that were the case, I’d have to give a        different response.

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Why Most People Will Argue That the Answer is Four Eggs Even Though I Have Six?

Both “4” and “0” also appear frequently. If you assume that you’ll lose two eggs while breaking them, another two while cooking them, and another two while eating them, you get the correct answer of zero. Actually, you’re wrong about that.

The more astute among us then conclude that the two shattered eggs are the same eggs we use in cooking and eating and that the mystery has been solved. The number four can be deduced from this.

If you guessed “four,” however, the riddle succeeded in its aim of diverting your attention away from the grammar by appealing to your understanding of how eggs are traditionally broken, cooked, and eaten.

I Have 6 Eggs

Your answer of “four” or “zero” will reveal the solution to the riddle: I had six eggs. That’s a different kind of riddle than “I smashed two, cooked two, and devoured two.”

Which Begs the Question: What Am I Supposed to Do With These Remaining 4 Eggs After I Broke, Cooked, and Devoured 2 of Them?

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the entire world has had to stop to deal with this potentially fatal virus. When quarantined, people stay inside and do nothing but stay inside. Some people are maintaining their normal schedules of reading, watching movies, exchanging recipes with loved ones, taking care of their skin, and working out.

A growing number of people are turning to social media as a means of staying in touch with loved ones and providing amusement for one another. These days, WhatsApp groups are a popular place to hang out with pals and family members, and a good place to share puzzles and fun tests. I Have 6 Eggs, I Broke, Cooked, and Ate 2 Riddle is a popular example of this type of online quiz.


The ‘I Have 6 Eggs Riddle’ is the latest viral joke that is spreading through WhatsApp groups even faster than the ‘Tiger King’ Memes. Since the riddle contains both past and present tense elements, the correct answer is (I HAVE SIX EGGS). I smashed two eggs, cooked two, and devoured two. My egg count was six if that was the riddle. Since the past can’t be changed, it doesn’t matter how many eggs were cracked, cooked, or eaten.

If that were the case, I’d have to give a different response. If you assume that you’ll lose two eggs while breaking them, cooking them, and eating them, you get the correct answer of zero. I Have 6 Eggs, I Broke, cooked, and Ate 2 Riddle is a popular example of this type of online quiz.

Frequently Asked Questions

It Belongs to You, but Other People Use It More Than You Do. What is It?

Your name is the correct response. Your name is yours, but the riddle says that other people use it (as a name or an address) more often than you do. In this case, people are more likely to use one’s name than the person themselves.

It Would Take the Strongest Person Five Minutes to Tire Holding Me Because I’m So Feathery Light. Who Am I?

In this case, “your breath” is the correct response. In spite of the fact that breathing is a simple process, even the strongest individuals would struggle to keep me airborne for more than five minutes.