C Murder Release Date 2022: What Happened to Corey Miller?

C Murder Release Date

The American rapper Corey Miller, better known by his stage name C-Murder, was taken into custody in the year 2002 after a jury decided, by a vote of ten to two, that the rapper should be sentenced to life in prison.

Even after ten years, the rapper continues to maintain his innocence, and the fact that two key witnesses have recanted their claims suggests that a new investigation may be forthcoming.

Who is C-Murder?

Corey Miller, who was born in March 1971 and goes by the stage name C-Murder, is an American rapper.

He spent his childhood in New Orleans, Louisiana’s Calliope Projects neighborhood.

C Murder Release Date

He is the brother of Master P, a music industry entrepreneur, and Silkk The Shocker, a rapper who has sold platinum records.

He has released a total of nine solo albums, three of which were released on his highly successful brother’s label, No Limit Records.

Over a million copies of his first studio album, which was released in 1998 and was titled Life Or Death, have been sold.

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Why is C-Crime in Prison?

C-Murder was judged to be responsible for the allegations that were made against him in 2009, and as a result, the rapper was given a sentence of life imprisonment.

He was found guilty of the murder of Steven Thomas, who was only 16 years old when he was killed in a nightclub in Louisiana in the year 2002.

The man, who is now 49 years old, is detained at the Elayn Hunt Correctional Center at the present time.

Miller has never wavered in his assertion that he is innocent, but his legal team has been unsuccessful on many occasions in their attempts to appeal the verdict.

When will C-Murder be Released?

Since Miller was found guilty and given a life sentence, he will be unable to be released from prison unless he can provide evidence that he is not responsible for the atrocities that were committed against him.

It is currently unknown when he will be released from custody until then.

However, in 2018, two significant witnesses in his trial changed their testimony, which sparked a dispute among the witnesses who testified against him.

Both parties assert that authorities forced them to testify against Miller against their will.

Kenneth Jordan was the first person to come forward as a witness and provide a statement about what he observed. He said, “I know that the individual who I saw shoot the gun was not Corey Miller.”

Darnell Jordan, the second witness, testified as follows: “I know for a fact that Corey Miller was not the one who shot Steve Thomas.”

C Murder Release Date

The rapper continues to maintain his position that he is innocent, and he, along with his brothers and nephew, has made numerous requests for a new trial.

Kim Kardashian, an American socialite who recently completed her first year of law school at the beginning of 2020, has reportedly intervened in the case to determine whether or not she can assist in freeing Miller and “finding the truth behind this tragedy.”

The celebrity posted the following message on Twitter: “True justice for the young man necessitates that the person who truly killed him be held responsible and that Corey Miller returned home to his kids.”

“My heart goes out to the family of Steve Thomas. I can only fathom how difficult this is, and my objective is never to bring up this awful wound. Rather, my intention is to assist in finding the truth behind this tragedy.”

What Has Happened to the C Murders?

Corey Miller, also known as C-Murder, was judged to be responsible for the allegations that were made against him; nonetheless, the circumstances surrounding his trial were highly contentious. A member of the jury has finally come forward to admit that she was intimidated by the authorities into returning a guilty verdict against her judgment.

While it is possible that there were several witnesses who were accused of lying to the jury while they were on hold, the juror who has come forward to admit this is the first person to do so. In addition to this, a witness changed his testimony in the year 2018. Regardless of the circumstances, C-level murder convictions have never been overturned.

The man, who is now 49 years old, is being held in custody in the Elayn Hunt Correctional Center; if he is unable to establish his innocence, which he continues to maintain, he will almost certainly remain there for the remainder of his natural life there. In addition, he keeps working on music even though he is currently behind bars; the release of his most recent song, “Don’t Wanna Trap No More,” is scheduled for January 2021.

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It is also important to keep in mind that Kim Kardashian has been working for quite some time to get C-release Murders, arguing that there does not appear to be any forensic evidence against him. This is something that should not be forgotten.

Final Words

Corey Miller, better known by his stage name C-Murder, is an American rapper. He was found guilty of the murder of Steven Thomas, who was only 16 years old when he was killed in a nightclub in Louisiana in the year 2002.

It is currently unknown when he will be released from custody. Kim Kardashian has reportedly intervened in the Miller murder case. The rapper continues to maintain his position that he is innocent, and he has made numerous requests for a new trial.

Darnell Jordan, the second witness, testified that Miller was not the one who shot Steve Thomas. Corey Miller, also known as C-Murder, was judged to be responsible for the allegations that were made against him.

A member of the jury has finally come forward to admit that she was intimidated into returning a guilty verdict. Regardless of the circumstances, C-level murder convictions have never been overturned.