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Burger and a Grape Snow Cone Origin: What is Burger Slang for?

Burger and a Grape Snow Cone Origin

The meaning of “a burger and a grape snow cone” is thus revealed.

Urban Dictionary defines the euphemism “a burger and a grape snow cone” as “oral s*x” or “the Sixty9 positions.” The burger stands for the female reproductive organs, while the grape snow cone symbolizes the male reproductive organs. In honor of the violet hue of the p*nis’s apex, we went with a grape flavor. Snowcones are typically licked, while burgers are typically eaten.

Dropped her off early but I didn’t go home, as Alan sings in “Chattahoochee”: “Well we fogged up the windows in my old Chevy / I was willing but she wasn’t ready / So I settled for a burger and a grape snow cone.”

Clearly, he was hinting that he wanted to take things further with his girlfriend, but since she wasn’t ready, they stuck to oral s*x instead.

It is impossible to stay abreast of all the new internet slang that appears every day, including new words, phrases, acronyms, and even emojis.

TikTok has the worst slang, and the app has its own vocabulary that people who aren’t a part of Generation Z simply can’t begin to understand.

The phrase “burger and grape snow cone” has recently gone viral on the internet, though it has been around since Alan Jackson used it in a song back in 1992.

The meaning of this is unclear. C’mon, let’s brush up on our knowledge.

What is Hoochie Coochie?

According to Urban Dictionary, “hoochie coochie” is slang for a drunk woman’s privates. It gets hotter than a hoochie coochie way down yonder on the Chattahoochee, as the first two lines of the song “Chattahoochee” put it. Alan is basically saying that the temperature by the river is like a drunk woman’s privates.

And just to clear up any further confusion, when Alan says, “We laid rubber on the Georgia asphalt / We got a little crazy but we never got caught,” he’s not talking about a construction project.

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Where Does Alan Jackson Go From Here?

The new album from the country singer, titled “Where Have You Gone,” came out in May of 2021. Later, in September 2021, he went public with the news that he had been battling Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease for roughly a decade, as reported by the prevention magazine. Movement and equilibrium may be impaired by the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease spectrum, a collection of conditions that damages nerves.

Urban Dictionary defines the euphemism “a burger and a grape snow cone” as “oral s*x” or “the Sixty9 positions.” The burger stands for the female reproductive organs, while the grape snow cone symbolizes the male reproductive organs. In honor of the violet hue of the p*nis’s apex, we went with a grape flavor.

It’s Used in This Alan Jackson Song

Alan Jackson‘s song Chattahoochee is largely responsible for popularising this expression.

Many listeners were confused by the line “settled for a burger and a grape snow cone” in the song.

Five More Tiktok Slang Words You Need to Know

Now that you know one internet slang term, it’s time to start learning more.

The abbreviation YT stands for “whitey” or “white,” and it is used to describe people who are of European ancestry.

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A “Simp” is a man who would sacrifice everything for the woman he loves.

Heather is the main character,’ the pretty, popular girl.

The term “4lifers” is commonly used to refer to a close group of friends or family members who will remain constant fixtures in your life.

“Bussin” is slang for “excellent,” so take it as high praise.


The phrase “a burger and a grape snow cone” has gone viral on the internet. Urban Dictionary defines the euphemism as “oral s*x” or “the Sixty9 positions”. Snowcones are typically licked, while burgers are typically eaten. Alan Jackson’s song Chattahoochee is largely responsible for popularising this expression. The abbreviation YT stands for “whitey” or “white,” and it is used to describe people of European ancestry. Bussin is slang for excellent, so take it as high praise.

Frequently Asked Questions

An attractive female. Seriously, what a burger. How lovely she is! Discover the full meaning of a beautiful woman.

When Should You Settle for a Burger?

It appears in this song by Alan Jackson.

The phrase is widely recognized because it appears in Alan Jackson’s song “Chattahoochee.” Many listeners misunderstood the song’s reference to “settling for a burger and a grape snow cone” when he first played it. I got her to school early but didn’t go home with her.

What is a Purple Snowcone?

The Glacial Bay and the West Arctic are home to a flora species known as the Violet Snowcone. Advertisement. FANDOM TRIVIA, QUIZ! Putting your familiarity with the Subnautica universe to the test!

When Did Burger and a Grape Snow Cone Come Out?

Those who aren’t a part of Generation Z will have a hard time understanding the slang used on TikTok, and the app itself has its own vocabulary. The phrase “burger and grape snow cone” is the most recent internet sensation, though it has been around since Alan Jackson used it in a song back in 1992.

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